Diamond Hands Hotel Launches New Discord and Metaverse

A few days ago we launched our new Discord for the Diamond Hands Hotel - providing a place for NFT enthusiasts to chat about our projects, the metaverse and the space in general.
Keep up to date here: https://discord.gg/dhh
Earn Real Prizes
We created a new economy system in the Discord to give everyone the chance to win real prizes from engaging, being active, and having fun. You will be rewarded with Diamonds 💎 for completing various requirements that can be spent in the store channel.
Earning Diamonds
Every member earns Diamonds from sending messages to the chat, and betting them in the server casino. Holders of our NFTs have many more ways to earn, such as accepting roles, collecting daily income, playing games, entering contests, and joining us in our MineCraft metaverse (details below).

Competition is tough! Everyone is racing to the top of the leaderboard
Earn NFT prizes and rewards
Using our Hotel Store (Discord channel) you can trade your Diamonds for real prizes such as a Nintendo switch, crypto, project whitelist spots, NFTs, Metaverse land, and a whole lot more. Once you've racked up enough Diamonds it's time to go on a spending spree!
Join our Discord to get started: https://discord.gg/dhh
Minecraft MetaVerse

The Diamond Hands Hotel Minecraft server provides a fully customisable, community focused P2E MetaVerse experience for our members and other communities looking to expand their ecosystem.
The DHH Minecraft server will be a social hub for all DHH activity, with limitless creative freedom where holders can build what they want, create P2E competitions, and NFT projects can grow awesome community hangouts.
Why Minecraft?
Minecraft is proven - rather than recreating yet another MetaVerse play that would be in Alpha and Beta for months and require a lot of testing and changes, we wanted to start with a base that’s already finished and is expandable with all of the functionality we need.
Plugins enable us to tokenise plots & items, and add complex new games and activities much faster than any standalone MetaVerse could offer. MineCraft is open-source and incredibly expandable, allowing us to create the perfect sandbox for people to play for years to come. Players can also build live on the server and join from almost any device.

Economy and P2E
The Diamond Hands Minecraft server has it's own currency which will be used to buy and sell items that you collect from playing, and winning the games and activities.
P2E - Some items will have benefits, and the bonuses they have in-game will determine their real world value. You can trade these items on any marketplace
At a later date, custom DHH NFT items will be added that can be purchased for the in-game currency and the currency will be convertible to Diamonds.
Claiming Land
There are 3 plot sizes available for Snek holders. They dictate which area you are in, and the area that you are allowed to build on. Emerald plots are open to all, Ruby and Diamond plots are only for holders of DHH NFTs.
We’re also rewarding community members that are the most active and engaged on our Discord with custom plots.
Projects: If you’re looking to expand your community into our Minecraft server send one of the moderators a message on Discord.
Who can join?
Everyone is able to join the server, even non-holders. We want to create a place that is open to the NFT community and allows new people to explore an interesting world. Special perks are available only for holders of our NFTs.
When does it launch?
We're going to be letting the first members on the server this week! Make sure you're in our Discord to get picked for access.
See you in Diamond City 💎
Join our Discord for more information: https://discord.gg/dhh