NFT-Inator V2 Launches 🚀

The NFT artist's best friend is back and better than ever. Today, we celebrate the launch of NFT-Inator V2 - our latest iteration of the market's favourite NFT generator. It's packed with more new features than you'll know what to do with, so let's get into it...

Here's all the fun stuff we added in V2:

  • Add GIF's to your layers
  • Export animated NFTs in GIF & MP4 formats
  • Massively improved render times
  • No more batch exports. Download your entire collection in one run
  • Share your drop on Twitter with a custom generated promo video
  • More advanced controls over render settings
  • Adjust render quality for quick previews of your whole drop

Check it out for yourself:

NFT-Inator - Free NFT Generator | Make Unlimited NFT Artwork with No Code
Create amazing NFT art in minutes with no code. Generate 1 to 10,000 items, completely free. Upload layers, generate metadata and download your collection as a ZIP file.

Or join the waitlist for Verify - our upcoming NFT verification API

NFT-Inator so far

Since our launch in January, NFT-Inator has had over 83k page views across 60k visits from 38k unique visitors. Product Hunt is still our largest referrer, with YouTube and blog sites following closely behind.

NFT-Inator now ranks on the first page of Google for many generic queries (like 'NFT generator') and accounts for 42% of our traffic. Our demographics show that NFT-Inator is most popular in the United States, closely followed by Italy, and then France.

So far, 100's of collections have been generated using NFT-Inator, giving us the opportunity to collect feedback and requests for new features.

Initially, we planned to just add GIF support, but our team got a bit carried away and ended up reworking the entire generator and several other components.

V2 Features

GIF & MP4 Support

Animation is here! You can now import GIF layers and export your collection in GIF and MP4 formats. We're starting an NFT movement, ha, get it?

Improved render times

We reached out to Harry Potter about making NFT-Inator faster. After a few spells and a visit to the chamber of secrets, your collection will now render at the speed of light (ish), with the same amount of free.

We generated a collection of 10,000 NFTs in only 23 minutes - try it for yourself.


Export your entire collection in one go

Previously, larger collections exported from NFT-Inator were downloaded in batches, requiring you to combine all of your tokens into one file afterwards. Well...

After keeping one of our developers in a basement without food and water for 6 days, he miraculously cracked it. You can now download up to 10,000 NFTs plus in one go.

Share your drop with a generated promo

After generating your collection, NFT-Inator automatically creates a custom promo video with some of your NFTs in a looping animation. We also include the chain, your collection name, and a few other customized elements to flex your creations.

Share your drop on Twitter and be sure to tag us @diamondhh


Advanced render setting controls

You now have much finer control over how your images are exported. It's now possible to choose the format, and adjust the width and height of your output.

You can also preview your artwork faster by lowering the preview quality. If you're generating a larger collection, you can also control the worker lifetime and the amount of tokens to preview, in order to solve any memory errors.

It's still free

Not an update, just wanted to remind you.

🟠 Coming soon: Verify

Verify is our upcoming API product, which solve two very common issues in NFT development - easily verifying ownership of an NFT, and adding unlockable content to an existing collection - without changes to your smart contract.

Verify allows you to check whether users own your NFT, and automatically handles wallet connection, address verification and ownership check with one line of JavaScript.

Attach images, videos, files, PDFs or any other content to your NFTs. Create the next best Alpha podcast, drop an album with Snoop Dogg himself, or give your holders access to animated or high resolution versions of your artwork.


You can join the waitlist now - hurry though, spots are filling up fast.

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